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AAP News | Arvind Kejriwal Announces Resignation As Delhi CM, Vows Return Only After Voter Approval | News18“I will resign from the post of Delhi CM in two days. Only when the people vote to prove my honesty will I sit on the CM’s chair again,” said Arvind Kejriwal, AAP Supremo and Delhi CM.“The Supreme Court granted me bail in a case where bail is rarely granted. The court has done all it could, and now I will prove my honesty in the people's court.”“Elections in Delhi are a few months away. If you believe Kejriwal is honest, then give me your vote.”I will sit on the CM's chair only after the people's decision; every vote of yours will be a certificate of my honesty.“Former Deputy CM Manish Sisodia has had similar experiences as me. He too will not hold any ministerial post. The decision for both of us is in your hands.”“Let the Delhi Assembly elections be held in November instead of February, and the people will certify my honesty.”Show more