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Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) has demanded a ban on Kangana Ranaut’s movie Emergency in Punjab. On Thursday, i.e. a day before the film’s release, SGPC president Harjinder Singh Dhami wrote a letter to Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and argued that the film must not be released in the state. He accused Kangana of defaming Sikhs in her movie.“While lodging its protest, the SGPC has already sent its executive committee resolution to the state chief secretary in which it was clearly stated that the screening of this movie would not be allowed in Punjab because it has been made under a scheme to defame Sikhs. “The resolution demanded the Punjab government ban the screening of the movie in the state. However, sadly, the Punjab government led by you (Bhagwant Mann) did not take any step in this direction. If the movie is released on January 17, it would enrage the Sikh world, which is natural," the letter read.Show more